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How to make fake drip on hand

How to make fake drip on hand? Whether you're looking to create a spooky Halloween prop or planning a playful prank, a realistic fake hand is an essential tool in your arsenal. Making a fake hand at home is easier than you might think and requires only a few simple materials. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating a convincing fake hand that can be used for various purposes, from horror decorations to fun surprises.

Materials Needed

Before you begin, gather the following materials:

  • Latex or Rubber Glove: A latex or rubber glove forms the base of your fake hand. Choose a size that matches the intended hand, and make sure it's durable enough to hold the shape.

  • Plaster of Paris or Gelatin: These materials will be used to create the hand’s form. Plaster of Paris is ideal for a sturdy hand, while gelatin offers a more flexible, realistic texture.

  • Paints: Acrylic paints in shades of skin tone, red, purple, and blue are needed to add realistic coloring and details.

  • Brushes: Use fine brushes for detail work and larger ones for broader strokes.

  • Cotton Balls or Tissue Paper: These will be used to stuff the glove and give the hand its shape.

  • Fake Blood (Optional): For an extra touch of realism, you can add fake blood to your hand.

  • Scissors and Craft Knife: These tools are for cutting and shaping the hand.

  • Glue: Strong adhesive or hot glue is needed to seal the glove and add any extra details.

  • Modeling Clay (Optional): For adding details like wrinkles or scars, modeling clay can be very helpful.

Step 1: Prepare the Glove

Start by inflating the glove slightly, just enough to see the basic shape of the hand. This helps ensure that the glove will have the proper proportions. Next, carefully insert cotton balls or tissue paper into each finger to give them form. Be gentle to avoid tearing the glove, and make sure each finger is filled evenly to avoid lumpy or misshapen digits.

Once the fingers are stuffed, fill the palm and the wrist area of the glove with more cotton or tissue. If you're using Plaster of Paris or gelatin, this is the point where you'll want to prepare your mixture according to the instructions on the packaging.

Step 2: Create the Hand’s Form

For a solid and sturdy hand, pour the Plaster of Paris mixture into the glove. Fill it carefully, making sure to eliminate any air bubbles by gently tapping the glove on a flat surface. Allow the plaster to set for the time recommended by the manufacturer, typically around 30 minutes to an hour.

If you prefer a more flexible and realistic texture, opt for gelatin instead of plaster. To create the hand with gelatin, heat the mixture as directed and pour it into the glove. Place the glove in the fridge to set. The gelatin will create a softer, more pliable hand that mimics the feel of real skin.

Step 3: Remove the Glove

Once the plaster or gelatin has fully set, carefully cut away the glove using scissors or a craft knife. Start at the wrist and work your way up, taking care not to damage the hand. If you're using plaster, you might need to be more gentle, as the material can be brittle. With gelatin, be cautious not to tear the soft material as you remove the glove.

Step 4: Add Details and Texture

Now that you have the basic form of the hand, it's time to add realistic details. If you used plaster, you can carve wrinkles, knuckles, and other details into the surface using a craft knife or modeling tools. For gelatin hands, you can create wrinkles and texture by gently pressing into the surface with your fingers or using modeling clay.

Once you’re satisfied with the texture, it’s time to move on to painting.

Step 5: Paint the Hand

Painting is where your fake hand will come to life. Start with a base coat of a skin-tone color, using a brush to cover the entire hand evenly. Let the base coat dry completely before moving on to details.

To create a realistic appearance, layer different shades of red, blue, and purple around the knuckles, veins, and fingernails. Use fine brushes to add subtle shading, and blend the colors to avoid harsh lines. For a bruised or decayed look, apply darker purples and greens in certain areas.

If you want the hand to look freshly severed or wounded, add fake blood around the wrist or on the fingertips. Use a small brush to apply the fake blood sparingly for a more realistic effect, or go all out for a gruesome, horror-themed look.

Step 6: Final Touches

After the paint has dried, you can add any final touches to your fake hand. If you're creating a severed hand prop, you might want to add some torn fabric or bandages around the wrist area for added realism. For a more detailed hand, you can also glue on fake fingernails, or even add hair using small bits of synthetic fur.

Finally, consider how you’ll display or use your fake hand. If it’s for a prank, think about positioning it in a place where it will be least expected. If it’s for decoration, place it in a way that fits your Halloween theme or horror scene.


Creating a fake hand at home is a fun and creative project that can add a realistic touch to your Halloween decorations or practical jokes. With just a few simple materials and a little bit of time, you can craft a convincing prop that is sure to impress. Follow these steps, let your imagination run wild, and enjoy the reactions your fake hand will generate!

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